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Welcome to Dragonfly Medicine House

Your wellness home away from home!
Photo of Joanne Brophy

Joanne Brophy

Herbalist, Nutritionist

& Health Educator


Certified Herbalist

California Academy of Herbology  1998


Certified Nutritional Consultant

Canadian Nutrition Institute 1996


Certified Iridologist

Midland School of Iridology 1988


Certified Microscopist

NuLife Sciences 1997


Certified Radionic Practitioner

Keith Mason Radionic School of England 1989


Certified Esthetician

Jade Academy West Indies 1988


Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

North American Institute for the

Advancement of Colon Therapy 1985


I would like to introduce myself to you...


I have been in private practice as a Herbalist for over 30 years providing service to the Waterloo Regional Community of health enthusiasts. I have helped many people restore their health, just as I have done for myself. Many people are not becoming well because they are not focused on their true issues. They often just rely on their Medical Physician or Naturopathic Physician to take care of them and by giving their power away. The people that truly get well and stay well, know how to look after themselves. They are the ones who have by received realistic and practical health knowledge and wisdom. 


That is my job... to help you heal & to educate you!


It's a challenge to get and stay healthy. I know this too well from my own, personal experience. At the age of 35, I met my biggest challenge with ovarian cancer, along with my two sons having serious illnesses. As a single parent, I realized it was up to me to take charge, get a health education, and implement change. Detoxification became my saving grace. Without it, I wouldn't be here today.


Starting from detoxification, I learned how to rebuild my body, so that I would never have cancer again, or even heart disease my whole life. I studied from the "old" teachers of traditional medicine, not the way naturopathy is practiced today. These same ways are how I can teach you.


I invite you to go on a Journey of Healing.

Get health educated! 

Give it a lifestyle try.

When you have healed yourself once,

you can heal yourself again and again.

I'd be glad to closely coach you on your empowering,

Healing Journey.

Take charge of your health and be proactive! 


 Joanne Brophy

Herbalist & Health Educator


Health is the condition of wisdom
and the sign is cheerfulness.

Jade Natural Clinic's favorite charity that

we support as our "Give Back" Program:


  • Food4Kids Nutrition Program

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Food4Kids provides healthy food for kids with limited or no access
to food each weekend, and during the holidays. 
Packages of healthy food are prepared by volunteers and delivered to schools weekly and homes
during the holidays to ensure children do not go hungry.

Thousands of children in Ontario are struggling through weekends and holidays without food.

Food4Kids are able to feed some of those children but many more are having to wait

until we have the resources to help them too.

Help Fight Child Hunger

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