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Dragonfly Medicine House

Colon HydroTherapy
Colon Therapy
Colonics to cleanse the colon and help
detoxify the body.
Joanne Brophy C.C.T.
40 years experience as a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist at Jade Natural Clinic
Colon Hydro Therapy also known as a Colonic is an excellent way to detoxify and eliminate stagnant waste that has accumulated in the body. Poor digestive health is often a result of poor diets, environmental toxins, emotional stress or dehydration. The loss of muscular strength of the large intestine and bacterial imbalance causes improper elimination of waste resulting in constipation, gas, bloating, toxin re-absorption, abdominal pain, weakened immune system and ultimately illness.
Colon therapy uses a gentle flow of filtered water to clean and re-balance the large intestine. Water infusions to the colon washes out the old stools through a sealed tube directly into sewage, at the same time there is a blood and liver cleansing effect.
Certified Colon Hydro Therapist, Joanne Brophy has over 30 years of experience in this field. The accumulated experience has allowed her to develop unique techniques and offer additional treatments to colon hydro therapy.
Here at Dragonfly Medicine House, we use the original Colon Therapy set-up called the Woods Gravity Method by Dr Wood, Indiana USA from the 1950's. Joanne's teacher was trained by Dr Wood who then started a school in Toronto and Halifax. It is a gentle therapy that is equal to any other method used today. such as the hydro Therapy Machine and the Angel DIY technique.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a great complementary treatment if you are undergoing therapies or programs for weight loss, to eliminate heavy metals, bacteria, parasites or various toxins and reduce total body toxic burden.
All health starts in the gut!
Benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy include:
reduced abdominal bloating or swelling
improved bowel function
reduced inflammation across the whole body
improved skin problems
loosening of mucus in lungs
reduced kidney fluid retention
improved mental concentration & clarity
decreased menstrual cramps
healthier looking skin
increased circulation
relaxing of tight colon muscles from constipation and diarrhea
relief from headaches
improved conditions of all bowel issues
reduced digestive disturbances
improved energy & vitality
sense of well-being, feeling lighter & brighter
How does a Colonic work?
A Colonic is an internal, water bath that helps cleanse the colon of poisons, gas and accumulated fecal matter. It is similar to an enema. But unlike an enema, it does not involve the retention of water. There is no discomfort, no internal pressure, just a steady flow of water in and out. Other names for Colonic Therapy are Colonic or Colon Hydrotherapy or Colon Irrigation Therapy.
Colonic Therapy is the scientific insertion and removal of debris from the colon, or large intestine, for therapeutic cleansing, and
personal hygiene purposes. This therapy will be like taking your colon to the gym by giving it an exercise workout. A series of
Colonic sessions may increase your colon’s tone and function while removing excessive mucus, abnormal bacteria.
Intestinal parasites and toxic chemicals. Thus the colon tissues can return to a pink color with circulating oxygen from its dull grey devitalized tissue.
By cleansing the colon of toxic chemicals, colonics may offer relief from a variety of disturbances. Fatigue, gas, bloating, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands and feet, and lethargy are among the many symptoms relieved by colon cleansing.
Constipation of course, is another, as well as chronic diarrhea. With Colon Therapy, your sense of well-being is often dramatically improved. You feel lighter, and more energetic. The body can again take nourishment from food and defend itself against pathogens and disease itself.
Who can Benefit from Colonics?
People with constipation, diarrhea, colitis, Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, illeitis, spastic colon, hepatitis, hemorrhoids, gas, bloating, parasites, Candida albicans, and diverticulitis can benefit from Colonic Therapy. Other conditions can benefit such as skin problems, joint issues, blood toxicity, kidney issues, lung problems, and digestive disorders.
How many colonics should one have?
If we have a normal, healthy colon, a series of about 8 colonics should be enough to bring it to a high level of functioning. They are usually done once a week. In the case of very toxic colons, a longer series of sessions may be required. A good place to start is to have 4 colonics which will clean out the left side of the colon and across over to the navel. This will take significant toxic pressure off of the liver reduce irritation in the colon. Then you can reassess to decide if more sessions would be beneficial. Colon Therapy is most effective when employed in combination with exercise and a proper diet of non-mucus producing foods, and non-allergenic, irritating foods.
How is the procedure done?
A person lies on their back on a massage table, covered in a large towel. At the foot end of the table is the water tank designed by the Woods Gravity Method of Colon Irrigation. A specialized, disposable scope is lubricated and gently inserted about 1-1/2 inches into the rectum. Two disposable tubes are attached to the outside of the scope. One is for the water to go into the rectum, and the other is to drain out the debris water down the drain of the sink. There is no odor, and the person is covered with a large towel for privacy. The Colon Therapist allows the water to flow into the colon. When there is a sensation of fullness, the water is let out again. This inward flow and outward flow is done continuously for the duration of the colonic session lasting almost 1 hour. It is like a rinsing effect. It is quite an educational experience.
How will I feel during the therapy?
Most people feel just fine. Occasionally there could be some cramping for a few seconds as toxins get stirred up, but are then released down the tube. When the procedure is over, the remaining toxins are released in the bathroom.
How will I feel after the therapy?
People feel good, lighter and brighter. A flattened abdomen always feels better. Mood is elevated. However, I do not recommend going to the mall or gym after having a colonic. It is best to go home and relax. The next day after a colonic is wonderful. You are more relaxed due to lowering of toxins and better quality sleep. You are more positive in your attitude and outlook.
How often should I have a colonic for maintenance?
If you feel sluggish, irregular elimination, loss of energy, negative thought patterns, lack of skin lustre, tender lymph, etc., then it is good to reduce your toxic load in your colon with a colonic. It is safe to do every month or twice a month, if needed.
Seasonal Cleansing is the best approach for proactive wellness. It is recommended to have a colonic at the beginning of each season. Then to follow that with herbal medicine to detox the liver, lungs and kidneys for 30 days which in turn detoxes the blood, lymph and skin. This greatly supports improved function of the immune system.
Common Cause of Constipation & Diarrhea
What is autointoxication?
Toxic Chemicals, Mucus, Gas & Bloating
What is the colon?
How is our colon supposed to function?
How do we tell if the colon is healthy?